Monday, December 29, 2014

21 Week Bump Update!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Since both my hubby & I are from AZ, we are blessed enough to stick around town for the holidays.  Sofie had a wonderful time playing & giggling with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on Christmas Eve.  We chose to keep a quiet day to ourselves on Christmas Day and spent the day in our jammies. 
 Normally being cooped up would make a very active toddler crazy (and momma!) but, she was havin' way too much fun with all her new stuff.  She is currently obsessed with trains, choo choo!
Man, it feels like forever since we had a lazy day.  It was much needed! It was nice to "sleep in" til 8am.  Out of all the days, Sofie slept in til 8:30 (she is an early bird and is always up around 6ish) 'Twas a nice Christmas treat.

How far along: 21 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Carrot (approx. 3/4 of a pound; 10.5 in long)
Total weight gain: 12 lbs 
Maternity clothes?: On occasion, mostly gym clothes or leggings!
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had from my last pregnancy
Sleep: Pretty good, especially since Santa brought me a pregnancy pillow this year. So comfy!
Best moment this week: Christmas, of course! Watching our daughter light up while she opened gifts. Spending time with family & loved ones.
Miss Anything? The usual:laying on my tummy, normal energy levels, a cocktail, and SUSHI!
Movement: Yes, he is so low! (comparatively)
Cravings: Grilled cheese sandwich with a pickle. Fresh fruit.  Ice cold water. In'N'Out protein and animal style. Starbucks hot, white chocolate mocha. Chipotle!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness. Too early yet
Symptoms: Still get small waves of nausea, Fatigue (this may attributed to the Diclegis and my Energizer Bunny 2 yr old keepin me busy). 
Mood: Happy! I had my first "I feel like I'm crazy because I-want-to-cry-over-something-silly" moment since I first found out I was pregnant.  I'm really surprised that I have been pretty level-headed this pregnancy.
Looking forward to: Spending time with my little family this week, and going to watch The Hobbit! Going to the movies is a luxury nowadays, hehe.
Exercise: Kept the consistency, even though it was a busy week.  Lots of drop sets to make sure I made the best of my time (and battling the crowds)

Mon: Shoulders Tue: Back Wed: Biceps/Triceps/Chest Thu: OFF Fri: Legs Sat: Cardio (10 min incline fast walk)and Upper Body Sun: OFF

My normal "80/20" flexible eating was more of a "60/40" last week, I have to be honest! No regrets, I enjoyed many tamales and lots of treats (pie, cookies, chocolate) It was all so yummy! I was really good about sticking to making it to the gym 5 days a week and I think that helped me avoid more than a 2 lb weight gain this week.

I'm getting really excited about my new website launching soon! I am serious when I say that I am open to feedback and suggestions.  Email me at: with any ideas or topics you would like to see.  I plan on continuing similar posts with recipes, tips/tricks, and other FITspirational posts.

Until next week! Hope everyone is enjoying the last week of 2014 and gearing up for a healthy, prosperous 2015. Xoxo


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