Tuesday, June 24, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #1: Set Realistic Goals

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."

 I'm really excited to go into more depth on the each of the 7 FITspiration Lifestyle Tips that I shared last week.  Today I want to talk about goal-setting.  Making attainable, yet challenging goals will have boomerang effect.  When you hit a bump, you can always go back to your list of goals to remind you WHY you will push through and what you are setting out to accomplish.

I recommend buying yourself a notebook (this will also come into play when I talk about Accountability) A great "template" to use is S.M.A.R.T. criteria.

S. Specific- What's the end game?  Why do you want to make a change? If you want to lose weight, exactly how many pounds? Do you want to run a 5K? Maybe you just want to feel happier and have more energy? (this is a little more generic, but you can write down specific goals on how you will get there) Write it down! This is a great time to reflect and visualize how you will succeed on your own FITspiration journey.

M. Measurable- Time to face the music! Write in your notebook how much you weigh, take measurements (Chest, Waist, Hips, Both biceps, & Both Thighs), and most importantly take pictures! I promise you will be glad you did it.

When I first started out, I took pictures weekly to track my progress and I relied on how well my clothes fit as the main metrics of measure.  When taking pictures, choose the same spot with good lighting and a blank wall.  Do more than 1 pose (Face forward, hands on hips and/or flexing, side profile, and back)  This is a great motivator, because you will lose inches before you lose pounds and can visibly see more of a difference than any fancy scale.
Progress Pics put it into perspective!

Your notebook you can be used for a food journal and to track your fitness progress too. You can reference the previous week and motivate yourself to "run for 1 more minute" or to go up in weight if you start pumping iron (do it!)

A. Attainable- Make your goals attainable by starting with short-term goals.If you currently don't work out at all, make your goal to work out 2 days per week.  That is more attainable than jumping into working out Monday-Friday, 5 days a week! Slowly work your way up to those 5 days a week.  Do you want to run a 5k? You don't start by running 3 miles on Day 1.  You make a smaller, more attainable goal to get you there. Short term goals will also reward short term celebrations too. Yay! Do you want to eat healthier?  Start by cutting down the bad food/drinks with healthier options.  If you drink 6 sodas a day, make a goal to be down to only 1 soda a day by next month.

R. Realistic-Many times there is a sense of urgency. "I want to lose 60 lbs by the 4th of July!"  and it's already April.  As I mentioned in my original post, you want to aim for losing 1-2 lbs per week (or 5-10% of your body weight).  Steady weight loss will stick long-term.  If you find a product or a workout routine that claims you can lose more than this, you will most likely gain most of it back. There is no quick fix, and there are no shortcuts to living a healthier lifestyle.  Don't do something that could potentially harm your body (messing up metabolism by cutting calories or over-exercising is just, NO!)  If you want to  become a "runner", you don't sign up for the 1/2 marathon that's next month.  You start with a 5K, and maybe have a longer-term goal to complete a 1/2 marathon by next year.

T. Timely- There are two time-oriented points I want to share.  Now that we know we need to choose realistic, attainable goals...pick an end date.  I know I said this is a lifestyle change, but it is important when first starting out to choose an end date to stay motivated.  Do you have a beach trip coming up?  Is there a physical that you need to pass in order to have a certain insurance plan? This will help you divvy up your short term goals too. 

Time also means doing what is necessary to food prep and set aside time for exercise.  I literally put an appointment on my iPhone for when I plan to workout.  Wake up an hour earlier, or set aside the first 30 minutes after you put the kids to sleep to do your workout.  One of the many excuses people say is "I don't have time!"  You have to make time.  Do you have time to aimlessly scroll through Facebook for an hour? Guilty as charged. "Tough Love Lex" always comes out when someone says they don't have time. Do you have 1 minute to do a 30 second plank and 10 push-ups before you jump in the shower before work?  Yes you do!

Setting goals is so important when you embark on a journey of health & fitness. Your goals will change as you start "winning the small victories".  There is quote I absolutely love, "It doesn't get easier, you just get stronger."

It's so true.  Did you set out a goal to run for two minutes without a break?  Once you accomplish that, you challenge yourself to add 30 seconds or a minute as a new goal. By the time you know it, you will be able to run your first 5K!

When I first had my daughter via c-section,  I could not hold a plank longer than 30 seconds. That's when I decided to challenge myself. Short-term goal: I wanted to hold a plank for just 5 seconds longer than I did last week.  I continued to add 5 seconds every week.  Before I knew it, I could hold a plank for two whole minutes.  You'll be amazed at how pumped you will feel when you accomplish one of your short-term goals.  All these short-term goals contribute and add up to a BIG change.

Currently, I have a goal of drinking 1 gallon of water per day.  I'll be the first to tell you that I have my own bad habits, and one is forgetting to drink enough water.  I don't know why, but it's daunting to see a whole gallon of water. I already feel overwhelmed thinking about it! Haha. I decided to start drinking out of a smartwater bottle that holds a quart, and my goal is to fill it up 3 times and drink it all be the end of the day.

My fitness goal is to be able to do ONE pull-up by myself.  I am determined!  How will I get there?  Persistence and patience.  I invested in these bands to practice with.  Every gym sesh I had last week, regardless of what my workout was; I practiced a few assisted pull-ups with my new band. I can't tell you how excited I was when I did one more rep yesterday than last Sunday.  Small victories, woo!

What type of goals do you have?  Make sure you share your goals with at least one person in your support system, it's a great way to stay accountable.  Who knows, you may even inspire that person to set their own goal!

Thanks so much for reading, I hope this can help you on your journey to being a healthier, more fit YOU!

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