Monday, June 16, 2014

7 FITspiration Lifestyle Tips

I have been wanting to put together a list of "tips & tricks" that I have found most helpful throughout my journey of living a healthier lifestyle.  I plan to make individual posts to go into more depth, so this is just a little insight into my thoughts.  I've thought pretty seriously about this and have asked fellow fit friends for their advice too. 

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."

Take some time to sit down and write out what goals you'd like to achieve.  Do you have a certain amount of weight you want to lose?  Do want to be able to run your first 5k?  Do you want to be able to do ONE push up? Do you want to be able to wear shorts during the summer?  Do you want to avoid or stop taking medication for a health-related issue? This is also where you will reflect on WHY you will stay committed to your goals.

Everyone has their own, personal idea of what they want to achieve.  Challenge yourself, but be realistic.  Look at the BIG picture instead of an unrealistic deadline.  According to the CDC and many other health articles I have read, you want to aim for losing 1-2 lbs per week (or 5-10% of your body weight).  So if you want to lose 100 lbs in 6 months for your cousin's wedding, you may want to re-think that and use your calculator.  It took me just over ONE year to lose 60 lbs.  That is only 1.25lbs per week. Be patient, my friends.

2. Find Support
"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."

I can not emphasize just how important this is.  It's in our nature to look to our loved ones for support, encouragement, and guidance. Especially when we feel lost, vulnerable, and insecure. If you're in a relationship; start this new, healthy journey together. Seek out friends that feel the same way and need a walking partner or a gym buddy. You'll be surprised at how positive reinforcement from your loved ones will keep you motivated.  When (trust me, it will happen) you realize that there are people holding you back, focus on remembering your "why" and lean on your support system.

"Small changes can make a BIG difference."

I have never been one of those "cold turkey" or "jump in head first" type of people.  Change can be overwhelming, so I have always advocated to make 1-2 small changes at a time.  Sometimes it is replacing one bad habit with a healthier one in a transition.  If you drink 6 sodas a day(12 oz cans=64 oz), start by cutting it down to 4 or 5 cans and drink more water.  If you eat fast food every day; take time to prep meals and only eat fast food 3-4 times a week and eventually NEVER. 

If you don't exercise at all.  Start by making a goal to work out 1-2 times a week for 10 minutes at a time.  Slowly increase it to 15 minutes.  Or add another day.  See what works for you and challenge yourself.

4. Prep & Plan
"Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

What preparations can you do to help make this lifestyle change easier to stick to? Not only do you want to mentally prepare yourself, you will need to plan ahead in order to overcome excuses. Create a calendar event for your workout, just like you would for a doctor appointment or a business meeting. Go to bed an hour earlier than normal, that way you can wake up early and squeeze a workout in.  Set aside time on Sunday afternoons to prep healthy snacks to keep at your desk or in your purse. Make a weekly meal plan before you go to the grocery store, so you are able to cook at home versus ordering pizza/takeout.

5.  Accountability & Progress
"Strive for progress, not perfection"

Weigh in, get yourself some measuring tape, and take pictures! Yes, I sounds daunting, but this will keep you focus & motivated. If you choose to do 1 out of 3: take pics!  You will be surprised at how easy it not notice how much progress you've made.  Side by side pictures will show you that progress. At first, I did weekly pictures.  It kept me motivated when I noticed a difference, and it also kept me motivated when I didn't see much of a difference.  Another chance to challenge myself and re-adjust my goals. I also highly recommend a food journal.  An oreo here, an extra piece of pizza there can adds up quickly! It will also help to ensure you are drinking enough water.

6. Eating Clean in Moderation
“Everything is good in moderation. Even moderation.”

I've mentioned this before, but I like to live by the "80/20" rule.  80% of the time I eat clean (whole foods with a balance of lean protein, complex carbs, & healthy fats) and 20% of the time I will eat "unhealthier" food in moderation.  When I first started out, and I would to "treat" myself to one cheat meal per week.  Usually, it was pizza and ice cream on Friday nights.  Now that my body is used to eating relatively healthy.  I will indulge here and there, and it tends to be a very small portion.  Life is too short, and I was born with a sweet tooth! Mmm, ice creeeeaaam.

7. Self Love & Acceptance
"Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love."

This is so important, especially as a parent.  Be the example, and have positive self talk.  Love yourself in the body that you are in now. Replace your negative self talk with positive and loving words.  Accept yourself for all the good & bad, but promise yourself that you will commit to becoming the best version of yourself. Instead of saying, "I can't", say "I will do my very best!" Put it out in the universe that you are going to nourish & love your body, because that's what you deserve.


There ya have it!  I am really looking forward to doing a separate post for each tip.  Keep in mind that this is what has worked for me and my family.  Every journey is different, but I hope some of this will help you along yours.  What tips or tricks have you found to be helpful for you?

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