Monday, May 12, 2014

The question that matters: Why?

Hope all my fellow mama's had a wonderful Mother's Day full of love and laughter! I'm so blessed to have a great relationship with my mom, and feel so lucky to have her so involved in our daughter's life.  She is a beautiful and wonderful lady!
My mommy and her favorite grand daughter ;)
I had a great birthday/Mother's Day weekend filled with happy memories and great company. I also did what every mom secretly wants: a day of rest! Hehe, but really.  I have been sick all week, so I finally laid on my couch for hours and watched movies/relaxed.  It was perfect.
Last year of my twenties, cheers!

As I was watching a movie and cuddling with the munchkin, I realized she is the answer to the question in my subject line:  Why?

When you make the decision to change something in your life, you must ask yourself: Why?  Sometimes the answer is obvious, sometimes you simply can not pinpoint only one reason.  Why do I choose to be healthy and fit? It's all for my daughter, Miss Sofia Rose.
I have other reasons, of course, but she is the most important one. I want to be healthy for all of my days, so I can be around longer for as many of her days.  I want to have enough energy to run around after her as a toddler or play outside at the park with her for hours on end.  I want to be a healthy example of having confidence with the body God gave her, and to never let anyone make her feel insecure about something she should be proud of.  I want her to nourish her body with healthy food, and to stay active for so many reasons.  To have energy, to be able to focus better, to feel happier from the endorphins released as a direct result from being active, to have an outlet to let go of any negativity that will come into her life, etc.
This is my Why. Have some self reflection or quiet time and figure out what yours is.  Write it on a post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror.  When things get challenging and you want to give up, remember your Why. It will give you the strength and motivation to challenge yourself.  To make the healthier choice when tempted.  To wake up for an early workout instead of hitting snooze for 30 minutes.  It will make you stop and think, at the very least, I promise you that!

I plan to write a post about the key factors(in my own, personal opinion) that are important for successfully losing weight, and most importantly, keeping it off.  Having a "Why" is definitely one of those key factors.

Until then, I will leave you with a motivational quote *of course*
Happy Monday!

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