Monday, January 12, 2015

23 week Bump Update!

Well, HELLO! I feel like I just posted my last update, time flies during the 2nd trimester (in my opinion!)  One exciting non-baby update is that I got to see my first glimpse of the new website that I am launching soon!  I am seriously SO excited about it!  It's going to be so much easier to navigate through and is going to look fantastic.  Gah, is this real life?  2015 is already so exciting.  

Ok, bump-date time.
How far along: 23 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Large Mango (just over a pound; 11 in long)
Total weight gain: 12 lbs (still)
Maternity clothes?: On occasion, mostly gym clothes or tanks/leggings the next size up.
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had from my last pregnancy
Sleep: Pretty good, overall. Baby Jax likes to be active just before bed.  Still love spooning my pregnancy pillow.
Best moment this week: Doc appointment; listening to the heart beat and getting back good results from my last u/s. So grateful for a healthy pregnancy so far.
Miss Anything? I really miss sleeping on my belly. Just feeling like my "normal self" as far as energy and appetite. All worth it though!
Movement: Yes, lots and lots.  I love it!
Cravings: Grilled cheese sandwich with a pickle. Fresh fruit/veggies.  Ice cold water. In'N'Out protein and animal style. Starbucks hot, white chocolate mocha. Chipotle! Healthy dessert; greek yogurt, almond butter, & honey.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness. Too early yet
Symptoms: Still get small waves of nausea, Fatigue (this may attributed to the Diclegis and my Energizer Bunny 2 yr old keepin me busy). Food not settling too well.  Some lower back aches.
Mood: Happy, tired, and happy! Anxious to meet our little prince
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready.  We just bought the Halo bassinet and I am beyond STOKED.
Exercise: Still consistent, feeling really good.  I can truly feel a difference in my energy levels and mood. It's my therapy!

Mon: Shoulders Tue: Back Wed: Biceps/Triceps/Chest Thu: Legs Fri: OFF Sat: Legs & Extra Stretching Sun: OFF

I know I keep saying this, so I just need to go for it.  My goal is to post an at-home Leg workout on my YouTube channel.  I am a total noob when it comes to YouTube, so let's hope it's not a complete disaster.

My few pieces of advice to help you with your goals:

1. Start small: Only focus on making 1-2 small changes at a time and celebrate those small victories.

2. Replace the word "try" with "DO" or "WILL". It's empowering.  "I'm going to try and workout 3 times this week" instead say " I WILL workout 3 times this week"  Instead of, "I'm going to try my best"; say "I WILL DO my best"

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! xoxo


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