Tuesday, July 15, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle #3: Start small

"Small changes can make a BIG difference."

After I successfully reached my weight loss goal of losing all 60 lbs from my pregnancy, I had many people ask me HOW?!

My first response is, "Clean eating & regular exercise." That's the short answer.  I usually follow up with my advice to "start small."  All the small changes I have made throughout the last 2 years have all added up to this BIG change for me. I did not start working out 5-6 days a week right off the bat.  I did not go from eating crap food to eating clean 100% of the time (I still don't. 80/20 rule baby!)

I started small.  I chose to replace the processed junk food I ate for my "snacks" with whole foods or my Mean Green Juice.  Did I still have pizza, cheeseburgers, and ice cream?  Yup!  I still do, to this day, in moderation. Of course, that's a whole other blog post. ;)

When I sat down to set my goals, I wrote down "Exercise 3 days a week" and "NO fast food!"  I am a firm believer of transitioning when making a major change in your life.  Even when I stopped nursing Sofie, the process began 3 months before she actually stopped.  I cut out one feeding at a time and weaned her pretty slowly.

Why do I believe this works?

Making small changes will keep you motivated!  You can celebrate small victories and boost your self confidence along the way.  I didn't do a great job of setting my goal of holding a plank.  I think in my mind it was for 1 minute.  When I could only do it for 30 seconds, being able to do it for only 5 more seconds was really exciting and motivating! Eventually, I was able to hold it for 2 minutes.  By only adding 5 seconds at a time.

Unfortunately, our society is accustomed to instant gratification.  We want it, and we want it now!  I want to lose weight, and I want it to happen NOW!  Starting small and celebrating the smaller victories can trick your mind into being too busy focusing on the short-term goal to worry about the looming long-term goal.  By the time you know it, you will have reached a bigger milestone. 

Slowly transitioning into this lifestyle will also help with the "cold turkey shock".  If you try to do too much, too fast; you will feel overwhelmed and most likely give up quickly.  I am sure there are some out there that can "dive in head first".  For the majority of us, too much at once ends up back-firing.
It took me almost a year to grasp this idea.  Sure, I lost weight from breastfeeding and lost some more by exercising and eating somewhat healthy(on and off, fell off the band wagon many times.)  It wasn't until last November that both Rob & I decided to truly make these small changes forever. 

When you sit down to create or re-evaluate a goal,  think "small".  What small change can you make today to help you reach the ultimate goal?


Here are a few examples of the small changes that have personally helped me:

-Focused on eating 5 smaller meals versus 3 big meals.

-Replaced soda with water, pressed juices, or iced tea.  Soda has absolutely zero health benefits, so it was one of the first things to go.  *side note* I do have soda on occasion, in moderation.  Vodka & Sprite anyone? ;)

- Replace processed foods with whole foods(fruits, veggies, legumes, etc)
*note* Similar processed foods that have "low fat" alternatives are still processed! Low-fat usually means more sugar. -READ the labels-

-I originally started working out 3 days a week, once I was consistent for 1 month, I went up to 4 days.  Do what works for you!

-Cut down and eventually cut out fast food!  I have only had fast food 5 times this whole year. This was also one of the very first things we did.

-Started a plank challenge! Add 5 seconds every week or so.

-Substitute white breads with whole grain bread, whole grain tortillas, and pita bread.

-Substitute mayo with mustard. And most recently, avocado spread.

-Replace instant brown rice with Quinoa.

-Add 1 30 second sprint during my cardio session.

-Ask for a side salad instead of fries.

-Cut down and cut out energy drinks.


As I mentioned above, these are just examples of what helped me.  Everyone is different, and works on their own personal goals at their own pace.  All that matters as the you do something daily, no matter how small, to get you closer to a healthier, and happier you! 

Hope you're having a fantastic week so far ♥ 


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