Thursday, May 8, 2014

Grilled Chicken Pita with Avocado Spread

You'll come to notice that avocados are a staple in the Hegarty household.  We love us some avocado!  It's my favorite type of fat, haha. is a healthy fat, of course, and has so many other great health benefits. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber content.  It is a great food choice that is considered to be nutrient-dense, meaning it provides substantial amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients with relatively few calories. (read more at Avocado Central)

I hafta admit; I am not the main cook in our house( I can cook, but Rob loves to cook and is really great at making up new recipes) So, this is one of the many recipes Rob has thrown together. It is so full of flavorful and filling.  Who says eating healthier has to be bland or boring?
*note* This recipe feeds 2 (we eat smaller portions)

Grilled Chicken Pita with Avocado Spread
1 Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast
1-2 avocados
1/2 lemon
1-2 TB Olive oil (for sauteing) 
1/2 onion
1 stalk of Kale, chopped (sub Spinach)
1 bell pepper, chopped (long thin pieces)
2 pitas
Salt & Pepper, to taste
Garlic Powder, to taste
Lawry's, to taste *optional
1. Chop onions and Kale (and Bell Peppers, we didn't have any this go around) and saute over medium heat with Olive oil.
2. Flatten chicken breast with mallet and sprinkle each side with spices. We use salt, pepper, and garlic salt.  Sometimes we use Lawry's too.  Grill chicken for about 10 minutes. Chop or shred.
3. Put avocado in a bowl and use a fork to mash it up.  Squeeze lemon juice, to taste (maybe 1 tsp?) and mix.
4.  Optional: Use low/medium heat with Olive oil to warm up pitas. Spread Avocado mix onto pita and add all the yummy ingredients.  Add another squeeze of lemon (if you want) or your favorite hot sauce (we love Cholula) and ENJOY!

Our little healthnut enjoyed herself some pita bread, grilled chicken, and avocado too!

When Sofie was weaned off of her bottle, it was impossible for me to get her to drink more than 5 oz of milk per day (according to her doc, it was recommended that she consume an average of 16-24 oz of whole milk) Fortunately, she came around to liking avocado and that's where she gets the majority of her healthy fat intake.

Welp, that does it for this post, until next time my friends!


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