Tuesday, July 1, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #2: Find Support

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
Along with clean eating and regular exercise, having a support system is necessary for living a healthy, active lifestyle.  It's in our nature to seek love, acceptance, and encouragement to truly thrive. We are only human, after all.  Not only do we need people around to lift us higher, but they will also be able to hold us accountable too!

Building a support system will include a variety of people in your life. Below I will list some examples of who can be a part of your support system.

1. "Social Supporters"-  This refers to friends/family members/co-worker's that you interact with on occasion or even daily (workplace).  I often think about the quote "Live and let live".  At a social gathering, you may choose to pass on dessert or even alcohol (oh my!).  These are the supporters who "live and let live" and say "You have great will power, keep up the good work!"

Alas, you will encounter those that may not understand your new, healthier choices.  "C'mon, you look great! Just have a drink!"  OR "Seriously?! One piece of cheesecake isn't gonna kill you!"  Peer pressure somehow re-surfaces when a new change affects the way you socialize. 

Don't be afraid to say no and stick to your guns.  You can still have a social life and enjoy birthday parties, holidays, celebrations, etc. without over-indulging in fried food, booze, and sweets. Your future self will thank you later. ;)

2."Workout Buddy"-  I can almost guarantee that there is a workout buddy out there for you! It can be your spouse, best friend, mom, sister, co-worker, etc.  Accountability at it's best.  If you make plans to meet at the gym for Tabata class in the morning, you best believe you are gonna think twice about hitting that snooze button. No one likes to be stood up!

 Having a collective desire and goal to exercise and eat better will be motivating and encouraging for both of you, especially if you're both "new at this".  You don't need a gym membership, it can be as simple as having a walking buddy a few nights a week.  Instead of grabbing happy hour (or maybe before happy hour, hehe) go on a 30 minute walk with your girlfriend and chat about the normal things you do over a drink.

I'm sort of a hybrid-workout buddy, lately.  Last few Mondays I have been meeting my lovely friend Chey for Tabata.  If our children's nap schedules align, my friend Desiree and I will meet up too! When my SIL Michelle isn't traveling to Hawaii or Vegas, we love to hit the weights together.  On the weekends, the hubby and I go together and make it a family affair.
Bicep/Tricep day with my main squeeze

3. "Fitness Groups & People"- There are so many awesome communities and groups that focus on fitness.  Fit4Mom.com even has a program called "Stroller Strides" that incorporates bringing your child in their stroller while exercising.  Groupon (and the like) offer great deals for boot camps, bikram yoga, etc.  If you can't find a reliable workout buddy, consider looking within your community!

I've also included "Fitness People" in this category.  The majority of us uses social media on the daily, which is how you got to this blog (probably!)  Find someone that inspires you (pick me, pick me! hehe jk) Really though, I love following other fitness peeps to get ideas and motivation.  Fit moms like Natalie Hodson and Maria Kang or beach body coaches like Shaun T and Chalene Johnson.  This is my version of following a celebrity since I don't watch reality TV (Does Catfish count?!)

3. Inner Circle Support- This refers to anyone that lives in your household or someone you are very close with.  Your significant other/spouse especially needs to be on the same page.  Get the whole family to change to a healthier lifestyle together!  Having your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy eats will help you "stick to it."  Confide in your spouse and ask for support and encouragement.  Call your best friend that lives across the country and tell her your goals and aspirations.  These supporters will be your foundation when you have a weak moment and want to give up. Don't be afraid to lean on them.

For me, it was my husband.  I would tell him, "Even if I get mad at you, please remind me why should (fill in the blank)".  He did that for me. "Lex, just press play!" when I was doing T25 at home.  I would give excuses and pout like a child, "But I'm so tired!"  "But Sofie woke up 5 times last night!"  and he would say, "It's only 25 minutes of your day, you will feel better after. I promise!"


I am so grateful and thankful for his and all the other support that I continue to receive. If it wasn't for their support, I wouldn't be writing this blog post.  They have lifted me up when I have wanted to give up, and supported any decisions that were geared toward being healthier and happier.  Even complete strangers or acquaintances that I have spoken with since starting this blog are a part of my support team.  THANK YOU for believing in me!

Regardless of fitness/healthy eating, you need a positive support system in your life.  Surround yourself with people who love you and have good intentions.  Life is too short to be around people that belittle your ambitions and goals.  It's amazing how much happier you feel when surrounded by like-minded, positive people.  And of course: you will always find support right here!

That does it for this post.  I hope that you're all having an awesome week so far!  4th of July festivities are just around the corner, which will also mean lots of temptation.  80/20 rule to the rescue!



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