Monday, July 28, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #4: Prep & Plan

Hello my fit friends,  I am excited to dive into one of the most important FITspiration Lifestyle tips on today's post!  I am certain that this will ensure that you're giving it your best shot with starting (and keeping) a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Let's face it, we are a busy society.  Whether you are a busy SAHM or a working mom, there is always a never-ending "To-Do" List on top of your every day challenges.  Is it "easier" to go to a drive thru?  My answer is no!  It's not easy dealing with the sluggish feeling you have from eating overly processed food.  It's not easy struggling to wake up early, because of lack of energy due to eating junk.  It's not easy carrying around unnecessary extra weight.  Planning ahead with meal prep will be the key to making sure you are nourishing your body with an abundance of healthy meals.

I have found that setting aside a few hours on a Sunday to prep meals and snacks for the following week, makes my life feel a lot less hectic. I wake up knowing I have a jar of Blueberry Banana Overnight Oats awaiting me. 

I always have some sort of bar in my purse for an emergency snack, like my current fave Peanut Butter & Jelly Quest Bars (which by the way can also be a healthy dessert option, especially if you nuke it for 20 seconds)

Our last few Sundays, we have prepped grilled chicken to be used for a variety of recipes we already use.  Most of the time, the meat is what takes the longest to cook. Plus, we just love grilled chicken!  We also prepare a pot of black beans, diced tomatoes, and quinoa/brown rice medley.  Sofie loves it!

Here are some other meals/snack ideas that can be prepped ahead of time:


4. Quinoa Fried "Rice"
5. Individual Salad portions

1. Mean Green Juice (one of our faves!)
3. Mixed Nuts
4. Protein Bars
5. Individual servings of Veggies or Fruit

You can do something as simple as making individual "grab-and-go" snacks.  I like to make our own Mixed Nuts and put them in tupperware.  Grab a handful to hold me over before dinner.  Get snack-sized ziploc bags and put carrots in there to be readily available as you run out the door.


The second part of this post can also be geared towards exercise.   There are certain "rituals" and habits that I find can prepare me to commit and succeed in my fitness goals.

I am "one of those" that prefer to workout in the morning, especially now that I have an active toddler that wakes up at 6am.  Allow me to re-phrase and state that I need to workout in the morning!  While I pump iron at the gym, Little Miss gets to have some social interaction with other kids/adults and let out some of that energy (she has a lot!)

Here is a list of what I personally do the night before:

1.Lay out workout clothes.
2. Pack my gym bag.
3. Pack Sofie's bag with her necessities.
4. Refill my purse with snacks (protein bar, banana, nuts)
5. Water bottle on my night stand.

This saves me a lot of time and stress!   It takes maybe 5-10 minutes versus 25 minutes the morning of, which includes a hungry toddler, hungry great dane, cup of coffee for my sanity, and squeezing in quality time with the hubby before he leaves for work.

If you plan to work out in the morning, go to bed an hour earlier so you can wake up and still feel rested.  If you want to work out on your lunch break, eat lunch at your desk while you wrap up emails.  If you want to workout after work, bring your gym bag and go straight to the gym.  Maybe even prep your dinner ahead of time so you can put it together more quickly.

When I finally decided to be more consistent with my routine, I started to make events in my calendar for my workouts.  Much like a lunch date or dentist appointment, it was something I committed to and needed to show up for.  Aaaaand maybe I am a little type A ;)
Most importantly, get your mind right! Preparing ahead of time will subconsciously get the wheels turning. As I lay my clothes out for the next morning, I am mentally preparing myself to wake up and start my day off on the right foot.  My hubby prefers to workout during lunch, or after work.  He gets his gym bag ready with everything he needs and brings it with him.

Being a busy mom can be overwhelming and stressful at times, and life happens.  Things happen that I may not be able to control, but at least I will feel as prepared as I can going into each day.  Like anything in life, being consistent will turn these "tips" into habits.  Going to the gym in the morning is now a habit and a part of my routine, much like making my daughter breakfast or going to the grocery store.  It's something I make time for in my daily life and I plan accordingly.

I hope this helps give you ideas on how you can plan or prepare yourself for staying committed to a healthier, happier life.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blueberry Banana Overnight Oats

Yum, yum, yum! You are going to love this quick and easy meal prep. If you have a sweet tooth like me, you will really love it.  Here is where I found the recipe (18 others!).  We bought our mason jars (1 pint) at Costco: only $6 for a pack of 12! Below is our recipe for 1 mason jar, so be sure to multiply the amount of days you'd like to prep for.

Blueberry Banana Overnight Oats
1/3 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup Almond milk
1/3 cup Greek Yogurt
1/3 cup blueberries
1 banana
1/3 cup KIND Peanut Butter Whole Grain Clusters (found at Target)
OR Something else crunchy (like nuts)

1. Mix first 5 ingredients together into mason jar (or other air tight container) and secure lid tightly.
2. Let set overnight (at minimum 3-4 hours)
3. Wake up the next morning, top off with clusters and ENJOY!

How easy is that?  Not only is it delicious, but it starts your morning off right with some protein and complex carbs (which you need for energy to workout!).

I'm really excited to try some of the other ideas, maybe something with peanut butter (my fave!)
Hope everyone has a positive and healthy Tuesday!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spinach Breakfast Casserole

Happy Saturday!  Next week I will be focusing on FITspiration Tip #4: Prep & Plan.  So if you want to jump on this train, Sundays are a great day to food prep for the week.  Do your mornings feel chaotic at times like mine do?  Once prepped, all you need it 20 seconds to warm this puppy. That's it.  Here is where I found my inspiration.

Spinach Breakfast Casserole
12 egg whites (we buy them in bulk at Costco) 
2 cups chopped onions (we like sweet onions)
4 cups finely chopped spinach 
1 teaspoon garlic salt
optional:1/4 cup diced jalapeno slices (from a jar, not fresh)
optional: 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1. Preheat oven to 375*.  Whisk eggs in large bowl.  Stir in other ingredients and mix together.  
2.  Pour into 9x13 pan, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.
3.  Bake at 375* for 25-30 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Keep refrigerated. Makes approx. 12 servings


With a new school year approaching, getting back into the swing of things can sometimes knock you on your booty.   This is a great option to have in your fridge when you are running out of time. It's easy for older kids to grab a slice and pop it in the micro for 20 seconds while you get your toddler ready for school drop-off.
 No more McDonald's drive through when you have a healthy, prepped meal just waiting for you in the fridge!

Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend so far!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creative Carrot Juice Recipe!

For all my juicing friends out there, you'll be proud that I stepped outside of my "bubble" and made a new juice.  I dubbed it the "Creative Carrot Juice"  because I had a bunch of carrots to use up and got creative with adding whatever fruits that I had lying around.  It was a success, yay!

Creative Carrot Juice
8 Carrots
1-2 cups Strawberries
2 large navel oranges
2 apples 
Optional: Ginger, small amount
Apples not pictured.

Yum! This was refreshing and sweet, and my daughter absolutely loved it.  I haven't been successful with offering steamed carrots to Sofie, so this definitely had me doing the "Happy Dance"! Hehe


I will be posting another recipe this week, I promise.  I decided to take the same approach to blogging as I do with my fitness and healthy eating.  Plan ahead and make time for it!  Sometimes life gets busy, and things happen.  My little one decided to push her only nap about 2-3 hours later and it has thrown me for a loop.  Wooosah. #noexcuse

It's all good though, not gonna sweat the small stuff in the grand scheme of things.  Similar to meeting a road block or obstacle in your fitness journey, being flexible and having the ability to adapt to unexpected changes will help you get back on course. 

Well that does it for today.  Happy Hump Day to all my Mon-Fri peeps.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle #3: Start small

"Small changes can make a BIG difference."

After I successfully reached my weight loss goal of losing all 60 lbs from my pregnancy, I had many people ask me HOW?!

My first response is, "Clean eating & regular exercise." That's the short answer.  I usually follow up with my advice to "start small."  All the small changes I have made throughout the last 2 years have all added up to this BIG change for me. I did not start working out 5-6 days a week right off the bat.  I did not go from eating crap food to eating clean 100% of the time (I still don't. 80/20 rule baby!)

I started small.  I chose to replace the processed junk food I ate for my "snacks" with whole foods or my Mean Green Juice.  Did I still have pizza, cheeseburgers, and ice cream?  Yup!  I still do, to this day, in moderation. Of course, that's a whole other blog post. ;)

When I sat down to set my goals, I wrote down "Exercise 3 days a week" and "NO fast food!"  I am a firm believer of transitioning when making a major change in your life.  Even when I stopped nursing Sofie, the process began 3 months before she actually stopped.  I cut out one feeding at a time and weaned her pretty slowly.

Why do I believe this works?

Making small changes will keep you motivated!  You can celebrate small victories and boost your self confidence along the way.  I didn't do a great job of setting my goal of holding a plank.  I think in my mind it was for 1 minute.  When I could only do it for 30 seconds, being able to do it for only 5 more seconds was really exciting and motivating! Eventually, I was able to hold it for 2 minutes.  By only adding 5 seconds at a time.

Unfortunately, our society is accustomed to instant gratification.  We want it, and we want it now!  I want to lose weight, and I want it to happen NOW!  Starting small and celebrating the smaller victories can trick your mind into being too busy focusing on the short-term goal to worry about the looming long-term goal.  By the time you know it, you will have reached a bigger milestone. 

Slowly transitioning into this lifestyle will also help with the "cold turkey shock".  If you try to do too much, too fast; you will feel overwhelmed and most likely give up quickly.  I am sure there are some out there that can "dive in head first".  For the majority of us, too much at once ends up back-firing.
It took me almost a year to grasp this idea.  Sure, I lost weight from breastfeeding and lost some more by exercising and eating somewhat healthy(on and off, fell off the band wagon many times.)  It wasn't until last November that both Rob & I decided to truly make these small changes forever. 

When you sit down to create or re-evaluate a goal,  think "small".  What small change can you make today to help you reach the ultimate goal?


Here are a few examples of the small changes that have personally helped me:

-Focused on eating 5 smaller meals versus 3 big meals.

-Replaced soda with water, pressed juices, or iced tea.  Soda has absolutely zero health benefits, so it was one of the first things to go.  *side note* I do have soda on occasion, in moderation.  Vodka & Sprite anyone? ;)

- Replace processed foods with whole foods(fruits, veggies, legumes, etc)
*note* Similar processed foods that have "low fat" alternatives are still processed! Low-fat usually means more sugar. -READ the labels-

-I originally started working out 3 days a week, once I was consistent for 1 month, I went up to 4 days.  Do what works for you!

-Cut down and eventually cut out fast food!  I have only had fast food 5 times this whole year. This was also one of the very first things we did.

-Started a plank challenge! Add 5 seconds every week or so.

-Substitute white breads with whole grain bread, whole grain tortillas, and pita bread.

-Substitute mayo with mustard. And most recently, avocado spread.

-Replace instant brown rice with Quinoa.

-Add 1 30 second sprint during my cardio session.

-Ask for a side salad instead of fries.

-Cut down and cut out energy drinks.


As I mentioned above, these are just examples of what helped me.  Everyone is different, and works on their own personal goals at their own pace.  All that matters as the you do something daily, no matter how small, to get you closer to a healthier, and happier you! 

Hope you're having a fantastic week so far ♥ 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Quinoa Fried "Rice"

I will be posting two recipes this week, since I forgot last week.  Sorry! My time management wasn't the best as I prepared for our trip this past weekend.

I love incorporating our staple "grain" (it's actually a seed) Quinoa. Pronounced KEEN-WAH.
Now you can ask your supermarket attendant with confidence...'re welcome!
 Hehe, sorry. I can be a litte sassy at times.
We buy ours in bulk at Costco, yay!
One of my favorite "cheat" meals is good ol' Chinese takeout.  If you live in the East Valley, you need to go to J&K Chinese Gourmet on your next cheat night. ;)  We just took Sofie for the first time and all she kept saying was "Mmm!" & "Yum yum yum!"  & "Num num, nom nom" Hahaha, that girl.

Here is a healthy version that we make at home.  Top it off with your choice of protein (chicken, steak, shrimp, tofu, etc). Yum yum, delicioso!  Here is where I found the recipe.

Quinoa Fried "Rice"
1 cup quinoa (or 2½ to 3 cups leftover cooked quinoa)
1 ½ cups water or low-sodium chicken stock
 ¼ small onion, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
3 scallions, chopped and divided
3 garlic cloves, minced
½ teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 eggs, lightly scrambled (still raw)
½ cup frozen peas, thawed
Sauce:1 ½ tablespoons teriyaki sauce
2 ½ tablespoons soy sauce
¾ teaspoon sesame oil

1.  Rinse quinoa a few times in cold water.

2. Bring quinoa and water or chicken stock to a boil in a medium saucepan, and then reduce to a simmer. Season with salt.

3. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until quinoa is fluffy and cooked through. Remove from heat and let set for five minutes or so. Fluff with a fork.  Cool and store in the fridge for 30 minutes.
4.  Mix teriyaki, soy sauce, and sesame oil in a small bowl. Set aside.

5.  Heat ½ tablespoon olive oil in a large sauté pan over a high heat. Add onion and carrot, cook about two minutes. Add 2 scallions, garlic and ginger to the pan. Cook another two minutes. Add in the rest of the olive oil and the quinoa. Stir-fry about two minutes. 
6.  Add sauce and stir-fry until incorporated, about two minutes. Make a well in the center of the quinoa pour eggs in, scramble. Throw in peas, then toss everything together until the peas are warmed through, add remaining scallion and serve.  ENJOY!

This is an awesome recipe to make ahead of time and great for leftovers.  Unlike rice, quinoa keeps in the fridge very well for a few days.

 Yay for recipes!

Time to get back into the groove of clean eating after this weekend.  Holidays like the 4th of July will always have temptations for lots of fried food and yummy(sugary/caloric) drinks.  We attended our friend's wedding in Gallup, NM.  I will confess that I indulged in some cocktails, pizza, and other not-so-healthy foods.
Hubby & I in Gallup, NM
Ya gotta live a little right?  Don't dwell on the not-so-healthy choices you make, just start fresh and focus on the new day in front of you.  Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #2: Find Support

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
Along with clean eating and regular exercise, having a support system is necessary for living a healthy, active lifestyle.  It's in our nature to seek love, acceptance, and encouragement to truly thrive. We are only human, after all.  Not only do we need people around to lift us higher, but they will also be able to hold us accountable too!

Building a support system will include a variety of people in your life. Below I will list some examples of who can be a part of your support system.

1. "Social Supporters"-  This refers to friends/family members/co-worker's that you interact with on occasion or even daily (workplace).  I often think about the quote "Live and let live".  At a social gathering, you may choose to pass on dessert or even alcohol (oh my!).  These are the supporters who "live and let live" and say "You have great will power, keep up the good work!"

Alas, you will encounter those that may not understand your new, healthier choices.  "C'mon, you look great! Just have a drink!"  OR "Seriously?! One piece of cheesecake isn't gonna kill you!"  Peer pressure somehow re-surfaces when a new change affects the way you socialize. 

Don't be afraid to say no and stick to your guns.  You can still have a social life and enjoy birthday parties, holidays, celebrations, etc. without over-indulging in fried food, booze, and sweets. Your future self will thank you later. ;)

2."Workout Buddy"-  I can almost guarantee that there is a workout buddy out there for you! It can be your spouse, best friend, mom, sister, co-worker, etc.  Accountability at it's best.  If you make plans to meet at the gym for Tabata class in the morning, you best believe you are gonna think twice about hitting that snooze button. No one likes to be stood up!

 Having a collective desire and goal to exercise and eat better will be motivating and encouraging for both of you, especially if you're both "new at this".  You don't need a gym membership, it can be as simple as having a walking buddy a few nights a week.  Instead of grabbing happy hour (or maybe before happy hour, hehe) go on a 30 minute walk with your girlfriend and chat about the normal things you do over a drink.

I'm sort of a hybrid-workout buddy, lately.  Last few Mondays I have been meeting my lovely friend Chey for Tabata.  If our children's nap schedules align, my friend Desiree and I will meet up too! When my SIL Michelle isn't traveling to Hawaii or Vegas, we love to hit the weights together.  On the weekends, the hubby and I go together and make it a family affair.
Bicep/Tricep day with my main squeeze

3. "Fitness Groups & People"- There are so many awesome communities and groups that focus on fitness. even has a program called "Stroller Strides" that incorporates bringing your child in their stroller while exercising.  Groupon (and the like) offer great deals for boot camps, bikram yoga, etc.  If you can't find a reliable workout buddy, consider looking within your community!

I've also included "Fitness People" in this category.  The majority of us uses social media on the daily, which is how you got to this blog (probably!)  Find someone that inspires you (pick me, pick me! hehe jk) Really though, I love following other fitness peeps to get ideas and motivation.  Fit moms like Natalie Hodson and Maria Kang or beach body coaches like Shaun T and Chalene Johnson.  This is my version of following a celebrity since I don't watch reality TV (Does Catfish count?!)

3. Inner Circle Support- This refers to anyone that lives in your household or someone you are very close with.  Your significant other/spouse especially needs to be on the same page.  Get the whole family to change to a healthier lifestyle together!  Having your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy eats will help you "stick to it."  Confide in your spouse and ask for support and encouragement.  Call your best friend that lives across the country and tell her your goals and aspirations.  These supporters will be your foundation when you have a weak moment and want to give up. Don't be afraid to lean on them.

For me, it was my husband.  I would tell him, "Even if I get mad at you, please remind me why should (fill in the blank)".  He did that for me. "Lex, just press play!" when I was doing T25 at home.  I would give excuses and pout like a child, "But I'm so tired!"  "But Sofie woke up 5 times last night!"  and he would say, "It's only 25 minutes of your day, you will feel better after. I promise!"


I am so grateful and thankful for his and all the other support that I continue to receive. If it wasn't for their support, I wouldn't be writing this blog post.  They have lifted me up when I have wanted to give up, and supported any decisions that were geared toward being healthier and happier.  Even complete strangers or acquaintances that I have spoken with since starting this blog are a part of my support team.  THANK YOU for believing in me!

Regardless of fitness/healthy eating, you need a positive support system in your life.  Surround yourself with people who love you and have good intentions.  Life is too short to be around people that belittle your ambitions and goals.  It's amazing how much happier you feel when surrounded by like-minded, positive people.  And of course: you will always find support right here!

That does it for this post.  I hope that you're all having an awesome week so far!  4th of July festivities are just around the corner, which will also mean lots of temptation.  80/20 rule to the rescue!

