Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creative Carrot Juice Recipe!

For all my juicing friends out there, you'll be proud that I stepped outside of my "bubble" and made a new juice.  I dubbed it the "Creative Carrot Juice"  because I had a bunch of carrots to use up and got creative with adding whatever fruits that I had lying around.  It was a success, yay!

Creative Carrot Juice
8 Carrots
1-2 cups Strawberries
2 large navel oranges
2 apples 
Optional: Ginger, small amount
Apples not pictured.

Yum! This was refreshing and sweet, and my daughter absolutely loved it.  I haven't been successful with offering steamed carrots to Sofie, so this definitely had me doing the "Happy Dance"! Hehe


I will be posting another recipe this week, I promise.  I decided to take the same approach to blogging as I do with my fitness and healthy eating.  Plan ahead and make time for it!  Sometimes life gets busy, and things happen.  My little one decided to push her only nap about 2-3 hours later and it has thrown me for a loop.  Wooosah. #noexcuse

It's all good though, not gonna sweat the small stuff in the grand scheme of things.  Similar to meeting a road block or obstacle in your fitness journey, being flexible and having the ability to adapt to unexpected changes will help you get back on course. 

Well that does it for today.  Happy Hump Day to all my Mon-Fri peeps.


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