Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spinach Breakfast Casserole

Happy Saturday!  Next week I will be focusing on FITspiration Tip #4: Prep & Plan.  So if you want to jump on this train, Sundays are a great day to food prep for the week.  Do your mornings feel chaotic at times like mine do?  Once prepped, all you need it 20 seconds to warm this puppy. That's it.  Here is where I found my inspiration.

Spinach Breakfast Casserole
12 egg whites (we buy them in bulk at Costco) 
2 cups chopped onions (we like sweet onions)
4 cups finely chopped spinach 
1 teaspoon garlic salt
optional:1/4 cup diced jalapeno slices (from a jar, not fresh)
optional: 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1. Preheat oven to 375*.  Whisk eggs in large bowl.  Stir in other ingredients and mix together.  
2.  Pour into 9x13 pan, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.
3.  Bake at 375* for 25-30 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Keep refrigerated. Makes approx. 12 servings


With a new school year approaching, getting back into the swing of things can sometimes knock you on your booty.   This is a great option to have in your fridge when you are running out of time. It's easy for older kids to grab a slice and pop it in the micro for 20 seconds while you get your toddler ready for school drop-off.
 No more McDonald's drive through when you have a healthy, prepped meal just waiting for you in the fridge!

Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend so far!

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