Monday, December 29, 2014

21 Week Bump Update!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Since both my hubby & I are from AZ, we are blessed enough to stick around town for the holidays.  Sofie had a wonderful time playing & giggling with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on Christmas Eve.  We chose to keep a quiet day to ourselves on Christmas Day and spent the day in our jammies. 
 Normally being cooped up would make a very active toddler crazy (and momma!) but, she was havin' way too much fun with all her new stuff.  She is currently obsessed with trains, choo choo!
Man, it feels like forever since we had a lazy day.  It was much needed! It was nice to "sleep in" til 8am.  Out of all the days, Sofie slept in til 8:30 (she is an early bird and is always up around 6ish) 'Twas a nice Christmas treat.

How far along: 21 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Carrot (approx. 3/4 of a pound; 10.5 in long)
Total weight gain: 12 lbs 
Maternity clothes?: On occasion, mostly gym clothes or leggings!
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had from my last pregnancy
Sleep: Pretty good, especially since Santa brought me a pregnancy pillow this year. So comfy!
Best moment this week: Christmas, of course! Watching our daughter light up while she opened gifts. Spending time with family & loved ones.
Miss Anything? The usual:laying on my tummy, normal energy levels, a cocktail, and SUSHI!
Movement: Yes, he is so low! (comparatively)
Cravings: Grilled cheese sandwich with a pickle. Fresh fruit.  Ice cold water. In'N'Out protein and animal style. Starbucks hot, white chocolate mocha. Chipotle!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness. Too early yet
Symptoms: Still get small waves of nausea, Fatigue (this may attributed to the Diclegis and my Energizer Bunny 2 yr old keepin me busy). 
Mood: Happy! I had my first "I feel like I'm crazy because I-want-to-cry-over-something-silly" moment since I first found out I was pregnant.  I'm really surprised that I have been pretty level-headed this pregnancy.
Looking forward to: Spending time with my little family this week, and going to watch The Hobbit! Going to the movies is a luxury nowadays, hehe.
Exercise: Kept the consistency, even though it was a busy week.  Lots of drop sets to make sure I made the best of my time (and battling the crowds)

Mon: Shoulders Tue: Back Wed: Biceps/Triceps/Chest Thu: OFF Fri: Legs Sat: Cardio (10 min incline fast walk)and Upper Body Sun: OFF

My normal "80/20" flexible eating was more of a "60/40" last week, I have to be honest! No regrets, I enjoyed many tamales and lots of treats (pie, cookies, chocolate) It was all so yummy! I was really good about sticking to making it to the gym 5 days a week and I think that helped me avoid more than a 2 lb weight gain this week.

I'm getting really excited about my new website launching soon! I am serious when I say that I am open to feedback and suggestions.  Email me at: with any ideas or topics you would like to see.  I plan on continuing similar posts with recipes, tips/tricks, and other FITspirational posts.

Until next week! Hope everyone is enjoying the last week of 2014 and gearing up for a healthy, prosperous 2015. Xoxo


Friday, December 19, 2014

20 week Baby Bump Update!

Hello hello! I'm stepping up my "blogging game" I feel like the 1st trimester I was consumed by the "Nausea Monster" as I like to refer to the ALL DAY nausea I experienced. Life has felt so busy lately and BOOM: the holidays snuck up on me.  Similar to my last pregnancy, I am gonna start weekly bump updates. Yay! 

How far along: 20 weeks
Baby is the size of a:
Banana(10 inches from head to heel & approx 10.5 oz) according to Baby Center, but at our u/s last week the tech said 13 oz
Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes?: A few comfy pants, but mostly normal leggings and longer tanks/tops. That's if I'm not in workout clothes(which is like 90% of the time, haha)
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had from my last pregnancy
Sleep: Pretty decent. I'm still taking Diclegis for my nausea, so it knocks me out!
Best moment this week: Well, last week we got to see little man doing somersaults on the u/s and hear his heart beating.  I love technology!
Miss Anything? Laying on my tummy. Enjoying myself a cocktail with dinner. I kinda miss my old workout habits too!
Movement: Yes! One of my favorite things about pregnancy.
Cravings: Grilled cheese sandwich with a pickle. Fresh fruit.  Ice cold water. In'N'Out protein and animal style.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness. Too early yet
Symptoms: Still get small waves of nausea, hoping it's gone soon, my script is almost out. Fatigue (this may attributed to the Diclegis and my Energizer Bunny 2 yr old keepin me busy)
Mood: Happy! Moments of emotion, like when I watched a father get reunited with his son after 40+ years. Damn you Dr. Phil!
Looking forward to: Christmas next week! Excited to spend time with family and to see Sofie's reaction on Christmas morning.
Exercise: Consistently working out 5 days a week.  The key has been planning my workouts ahead of time and writing them in my calendar. An appointment that I cannot miss! 

This week looked like this:
Mon: Shoulders Tue: Back Wed: Biceps & Triceps Thu: Legs Fri: Yoga

That's right, I said Yoga! I've never really been into yoga (I sporadically did yoga during my last pregnancy). I think it's because I am not very flexible and I'm drawn to more high-intensity-let's-lift-heavy-ass-weights type shtuff. ;)
I also want to add that the only "cardio" I currently do is 15-20 minute walk after dinner *some* nights(this will be more of a focus once I get closer to the end)  I tend to do all my strength training in a super-set format (I pick 2-3 different exercises and do one move after the other with a 30 second break in between)  This keeps my heart rate up and makes me break a sweat. This is how I worked out before I got pregnant, so that's what I personally stick to.  Rule of thumb is that you can continue to do what you did before you got pregnant(always consult with your doctor first!), which makes it so important to establish a workout routine before you decide it's time to get knocked up.
  My weight gain is on track, as of now.  According to Baby Center, if you started out in a normal weight range: you should gain about 1-5 lbs during the 1st trimester and 1 lb per week for the remainder of the pregnancy.

Halfway point is really exciting! I feel like this pregnancy is now starting to fly by.  Looking back, I can honestly say that doing my best to stick to eating healthier foods and exercising helped my nausea overall.  I still had it pretty rough, so I am really thankful I only dealt with it for 2 months until I got my hands on Diclegis (a newer prescription specific to pregnancy nausea)

I have some exciting news to share!  For the last few months, I have been working on a new website for my blog.  The type-A person in me is super stoked to have a cleaner, more organized place to share all my favorite recipes, FITspiration tips/tricks, and posts that speak candidly about self-love and acceptance.  
I'm also considering becoming more active on YouTube, so I can share some of my favorite workouts that I love.  If there is anything you'd like to see on my page or topics you want more info on, please let me know! I am open to anything that can help you along your journey to become healthy and happy!

Until next time,


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am overdue for sharing a recipe, so let's make it a tasty one!  As far as my sweet tooth is concerned, I usually don't obsess about my dessert being healthy.  I just indulge on occasion, in moderation.  During the holiday season, I like to use craisins & white chocolate chips to add a little more festive-ness to this recipe.

1 cup butter, softened (2 sticks)
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 3/4 cup wheat flour
1/4 cup white flour
1 1/2 cup rolled oats
1 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp baking powder
2 TB cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup raisins (or craisins!)
3/4 cup (white) chocolate chips

1. Combine the butter, sugar, brown sugar, and eggs.
2. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, oats, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt
3. Add dry mixture, a little at a time (about 1 cup) into the wet mixture, until well blended
4. Add the vanilla and blend
5. Stir the white chocolate chips and craisins into the mixture.
6. Chill the dough for 30 minutes
7. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a cookie sheet and spoon dough in 1 to 1-1/2 inch balls onto the sheet.
8. Bake for 9-10 minutes and cool on a wire rack.

This can make 2-3 dozen cookies depending on the size of your scoop.  So chewy and delish, and always a hit around Christmas time.

I originally got my recipe from Erica's Sweeth Tooth, but tweaked it in a few areas.

Yay for treats!  Remember, all things are ok in moderation.  It's ok to indulge from time to time and have no regrets.

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful holiday season!


Monday, December 15, 2014

Fit Pregnancy: The 1st Trimester

Gaining 60 lbs during my first pregnancy has been a huge motivator for me to stick to my normal healthy habits as best as I can.  This pregnancy was planned, so I feel like I was gearing up for battle with all my weapons of knowledge, tips, tricks, recipes, etc.

Boy, was I in for a surprise!  To all my mommas out there that deal with morning sickness and nausea(not to mention extreme fatigue); I give you major props.  Especially if you have other children to tend to, aaaand especially if they are of toddler age.

I've had many of you ask me if I have changed my workout routine since becoming pregnant. The answer is a big, fat YES!

My first priority is the health of this baby, which directly correlates with my health (of course).  So, I really had to listen to my body.  I went from working out 5-6 days a week (heavy lifting and HIIT cardio) to sometimes only making it to the gym 2 days a week.  I didn't beat myself up over it, because I knew that I needed to rest as my body kicked into overdrive to create this little miracle.

Once I stopped throwing myself a pity party(did I also mention Sofie stopped napping around the time I got pregnant...? Ha.) I made some new goals.

1. Make it to the gym 4 days a week.
2. Drink, at minimum, half my weight in ounces of water (approx 65 oz)
3. Eat as healthy as I can, when I can (see below)
4.  Listen to my body

There was a time where eating things like pizza, bagels and cream cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, and burgers were the ONLY things that settled my nauseous stomach.  So, that's what I did.  No regrets.  

The mental battle that I had with myself over going to the gym was very similar to how I felt when I was out of shape and lacked motivation.  So I told myself the same thing I did then, "Just show up and stretch, go home after that if you want."

Some days, I did just that.  Just stretched.  Most of the time, I would overcome the mental battle and focus on getting a workout in. Every single time: I always felt better!

The nausea in both of my pregnancies have been identical, except for this time around. Working out has truly helped with my nausea, as well as my energy levels.


Here is what I changed about my workout routine in the 1st trimester:

1.  Started to use a heart rate monitor, and focus on keeping my heart rate below 150 bpm
*Keeping your heart rate below 140 is a bit outdated, so after doing my own research and consulting with a few of the personal trainers at my gym, I focused on the level of my perceived exertion.  

2. Weight training 3-5 days a week(depending on how I feel) Lower weight with 12-15 reps

3.  Combining muscle groups.
*I used to focus on only one, usually. However, some weeks I only made it to the gym 2 or 3 days. So I worked on 2-3 muscle groups at a time (shoulders/back, biceps/triceps/chest) Except Leg Day, holy crap does my heart rate go up quick with just air squats!  I am as slow as molasses on Leg Day. Haha

4. Take daily walks.  I chose to no longer do any HIIT for cardio, but I tend to do a lot of supersets still, so I know I am getting enough "cardio" in.  When I got pregnant, I was not focused on cardio.  I was focused on maintaining and build muscle.  Now it's just maintenance

My advice? Same advice I give to those who ask me how to
start being fit/healthy:
Now that I'm in the 2nd trimester, things have been a lot easier as far as eating healthier and consistently working out.  I plan to write a separate post and am thinking about doing a weekly bump update with pics and other fun preggo details, yay.

Until next time!

Lex, xoxo

P.S.  In case you missed it, we are Team Blue this pregnancy. Yay!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #7: Self Love & Acceptance

Wow, has it really been almost THREE months since I updated about the last FITspiration Lifestyle Tip ? Oops, I swear my blogging is going to get much better now that I have survived the 1st trimester of this pregnancy.  *the struggle is real*

Today's blog post is so important: Self Love & Acceptance
"Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love."

First thing I want to talk about is self love and ultimately, positive self-talk.  Imagine how you talk to your own child. To your mother. Your best friend.  This is how you should speak to yourself.  As women, especially as mothers, we tend to be our worst critics.  It's ok to make mistakes and it's ok to fail.  When your child makes a mistake, do you say "Gosh, you are stupid!  Just give up!"  (I hope not!)  No, you probably say "It's ok sweetie, just try it again.  You can do this!"   Talk to yourself in that same loving way, and encourage yourself to be and DO better.

This is so much bigger than we know.  My inspiration to commit to this lifestyle has always come from my daughter.  I want to show her that it's healthy to love yourself the way God made you.  That nourishing your mind & body is important in overall happiness.  As she gets older, I try to be more mindful of the things I say about myself in front of her.  I know that her self esteem may very well depend on it. I want her to love and accept herself as the unique, beautiful creature that she is.

When trying to eat healthier, you begin to replace unhealthy foods with the nutritious ones.  I use this same approach when it comes to self love: replace negative thoughts/talk with positive affirmations. Here are some examples.
Found here
Losing 25lbs doesn't happen overnight.  There are daily habits and decisions that you must choose in order to achieve your goal.  This is a similar approach to positive self talk, it takes practice to cultivate this good habit.  Write down 3 things that you love about yourself.  Keep that list in your wallet, and when you're having a bad day; pull that note out and remind yourself that you are worthy.

The second part of this is Acceptance.  Part of loving yourself is to accept things that you cannot change.   Accept your past mistakes and choose to move forward.  Don't let the past define who you are today, and who you want to be tomorrow.  Instead of wishing you had something you don't have, focus on embracing what you do have.  That doesn't mean you settle for less, it truly means to accept things you cannot change while working towards a happier, healthier you.

Next to setting a healthy example for my daughter, this journey of health and fitness has truly made me feel good about myself. Having extra energy from nourishing my body with healthy food has been far better than feeling bloated, groggy, and BLAH from eating junk.  Challenging myself by making short-term goals and actually achieving them (30 second plank!) has boosted my self confidence and made me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to.

I hope you can take sometime today and look in the mirror and say "I love you.  You are enough."  To the reflection that stares back at you. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Time to spill the beans...

I'm pregnant with baby #2! Due May 2015
That's what I've been up to the last 3 months.  It's such a blessing and our family is so excited to expand our family! 
8 week ultrasound
With that being said, I have to be honest and share that the last 3 months have been quite the challenge.  As with my pregnancy with Sofie, I got hit hard with what I refer to as "The Nausea Monster" (Nausea ALL day. Beginning 30 minutes after I wake up until I go to bed) in addition to my very active toddler not napping at all for the first 6 weeks. *Wooosahhhhh* 

Luckily, the napping has gotten better. Some days she will skip it, so I try and roll with it as best as I can. Nausea seems a little better, and deep down I'm relieved to have it as a reminder that my body is working hard to nourish and grow a healthy baby. 

It's been so much fun talking to Sofie about the new baby.  She came with us to our first ultrasound appointment and pointed to the screen and said "Baby! Baby!"  It melted both of our hearts!

Here are some awesome reveal pics that we included on our last photo session with our amazing photographer, Monique Hessler.

Can I also just say what a relief it is to finally share the happy news? I'm excited to share with you this new chapter in our lives.  I have been doing my best with fitting in my workouts and trying to eat healthy.  I thought it would be easier to say no to all the junk, but sometimes pizza is the only thing that will settle well with this awful nausea.  The struggle is REAL! That will be it's own blog post, trust me!

I am also working on getting my new website up, and am really exciting about things to come!  Keep an eye out for  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

I found one of my new favorite recipes. Can you say YUM?  Here is where I found the recipe.

Chicken Lettuce Wraps
1 TB olive oil
1 pound ground chicken(or turkey)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, diced
1/4 cup hoisin sauce
2 TB soy sauce
1 TB rice vinegar
1 TB freshly grated ginger
1/2 C carrots, diced
1 tsp Sriracha,(or to taste)
1 -8-oz can whole water chestnuts, drained and diced
2 green onions, thinly sliced 
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
1 head butter lettuce

1. Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium high heat. Add ground chicken and cook until browned, about 3-5 minutes, making sure to crumble the chicken as it cooks; drain excess fat.
2. Stir in garlic, onion, carrots, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, ginger and Sriracha until onions have become translucent, about 1-2 minutes. Stir in chestnuts and green onions until tender, about 1-2 minutes; season with salt and pepper, to taste.
3. To serve, spoon several tablespoons of the chicken mixture into the center of a lettuce leaf, taco-style.

Managed to have enough for lunch the next day too, which is always a plus.

Don't forget to use your favorite hot sauce!  Cholula anyone?

Until next time,


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

FITspiration Tip #6: Eating Clean in Moderation

I have really enjoyed talking more about each FITspiration Lifestyle Tip individually.  It has been a good refresher and has helped me reflect on the things I have learned through trial and error.

Today's post will hopefully help guide those of you asking about my meal plan.   Though I am no nutritionist (I did take a few classes!), I have researched and learned from experts and found what works for me.  Currently I am trying to maintain my weight, but get more definition.  So my calorie intake is much different than a year ago when I was trying to lose excess weight.
 It's important to understand that each person should have a different way of eating depending on their goals.  To lose weight, of course you need to focus on a caloric deficit. Click here for an awesome calculator to determine how many calories you should be consuming based on a few pieces of information.  If you have lost weight and are looking to get some muscle definition, you do NOT want to restrict your calories.  Your body needs protein, complex carbs, healthy fats and enough calories to support lifting heavy weights.  With that being said, here are a few points I have come up with.

1. 80/20 rule 
I may have Maria Kang (no excuse mom)to thank for hearing about this concept.  Basically, I focus on making healthy meal choices 80% of the time.  If you are like me and have a big sweet tooth, it's probably best to plan for the 20%.  Friday nights meant 3 things for me: Pizza, wine, and dessert. I gave me something to look forward to all week! Life should be enjoyed.

1. Eat smaller portions, more often.
I tend to "graze" throughout the day and always eat something at least every 2-3 hours. So about 5-6 meals.  This is important in maintaining your blood sugar, keeping your metabolism strong, and fueling your body with the energy you need to get through your day (and your workouts!). 

I also believe that it helps avoid over-eating.  If you eat breakfast at 6:30am and eat lunch around noon, you are probably starving by then and have a higher chance of over-eating.  Having a snack in between (maybe around 9ish) will help hold you over, and help you make healthier decisions once lunch time rolls around.

2.  Eat whole foods; limit processed junk
Confession:  I do not "eat clean" 100% of the time.  I aim to limit processed food and nourish my body with whole foods.  What is this "whole foods" concept? Here is the definition per google:

"food that has been processed or refined as little as possible and is free from additives or other artificial substances."

Fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, etc.  I would add meat(organic) to this list.  Boneless, skinless chicken breast is preferable to a McDonald's chicken nugget.

It's really scary how the food industry has changed in the last 20 years.  According to The Non-GMO Project about 80% of conventional processed food contain GMO's.  Genetically Modified Organisms do not belong in our food.  Something created in a lab can't be healthy for you.  Read your labels!

3.  Protein, Carbs, & Healthy Fats

Here is my generalized answer to anyone wondering about my meal plan (perhaps I will do a more detailed post another day)  As I mentioned before, I am no professional and I do this to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I don't track my macronutrients or carb-cycle, only because I don't know enough about those concepts (hmm, add it to my To Do list)  This is just something I have found that works for me and my family.

For every meal (especially the "main" ones: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner)  I make sure I eat a lean protein, complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat. I have a three separate lists to help me choose these items if I need to switch it up. Here is an example of one day:

Breakfast (6:30am)- Overnight Oats
 Chocolate Whey(Protein), Oatmeal & Fruit(Carbs) Ground Flaxseed(Healthy Fat)


Scrambled Egg Whites & Turkey Bacon (Protein) Sliced Avocado(Healthy Fat) and 1/2 cup Fruit(Carb)

2nd meal(snack after my workout-9:30ish)
Quest Bar (Protein) and Banana (Carb)
*This is perfect because I am usually on the go with my little tot*

Lunch(12:30ish)- DIY Burrito Bowl
Grilled Chicken(protein) Quinoa(complex carb) and Avocado(healthy fat)

4th meal/2nd snack(around 3:30ish)
Handful of mixed nuts(healthy fats),  1 hard boiled egg(protein) and Mean Green Juice (so many good carbs and vitamins)

Dinner(around 6:30-7ish)-Quinoa & Ground Turkey Stuffed Peppers
Ground Turkey(protein) Quinoa & Bell Pepper (carb), cooked in Olive Oil(healthy fat)

Optional 6th meal(if you had an intense workout or you're just hungry):
1/2 C of cottage cheese with salt & pepper to taste (yay protein!)

There ya have it!  Bottom line: this isn't a "diet" with an expiration date, it is a way of living.  Healthy eating is something that will always be a focal point, especially as we approach the holidays, celebrations, and the like.  Eating healthy 80-85% of the time allows for those occasional indulgences, but doesn't completely compromise being healthy in the grand scheme of things.

I really hope this helps you on your journey to a healthier, happier YOU!

Until next time,


Friday, August 22, 2014

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." ~Winston Churchill

I think I should write this quote on a few post-it's and stick them all over the place.

Real talk: My 22 month old has decided to quit napping (she has been down to only 1 nap since 11 months old).  Sure, it could be a phase. Yes, I am giving her "quiet time".  Thankfully, she is going to bed a little earlier too.  After throwing myself a pity party for the last week or so, and having the opening line be "Hi, how are you? My toddler stopped napping!"  "Hey, how's it goin? My toddler stopped napping!!!" *womp womp womp* I decided that I need to get my mind right and focus on having a better attitude about this new change. #ownit Motherhood at it's finest.

You know what they say, "expectation is the root of all heartache"  (and by "they" I mean Shakespeare).  That's a hard lesson I keep re-learning as a mom.  Heck, as a human being.  Expecting things to go as planned, or as I envisioned.  In other aspects of my life, this is something I continuously struggle with.  Expecting a certain person to be a particular way.  Expecting to be "bikini ready" the summer after I gave birth.  Expecting my daughter to take a nap after play time, swimming, and being awake since 6am.  Expectations can be tricky.  The key is to have realistic expectations.  Hope for the best, but expect the worst.  Amen to that!

I also believe the universe is telling me to slow down, I have been sick with a sinus infection since hubby got back from his trip (welcome home babe!)  So I have been resting and putting my pride aside and asking the grandparents for help.  Truly blessed to live near my parents and in-laws, they jump on any chance they get to see their grandbaby. Hopefully I will nip it in the bud ASAP! **listen to your body**

So that's what I have been up to!  Pity party is over....for now. ;) On a happy note, maybe she will wanna snuggle her dearest mama more often
Watching "Finding Nemo" for the umpteenth time ;)
 I've been working on a post about FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #6: Eating clean in moderation. My goal is to also post another recipe.  

As requested, I am also starting to post some of my favorite exercises.  These can be found on my Instagram: FITspiration_Mom and on my Facebook page.
Here is an example:
If you have questions on how to do a particular exercise, check out
Hope everyone is having a great day

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tilapia with Kale and Tomato

You know I love me some Shaun T.

This recipe is straight from the T25 recipe booklet. It's not only healthy and full of flavor, but super easy and quick to make. Yesssssss!

Tilapia with Kale and Tomato

Ingredients(for 2 servings):
2 (6 oz) raw tilapia filets
Sea salt, to taste
Ground black pepper, to taste
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
4 cups fresh kale, chopped
1 can of diced tomatoes, with juice

1.  Season both sides of tilapia with sea salt and pepper.  Set aside

2. Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium heat.  Add garlic and kale, stirring frequently for about 1-2 minutes.

4. Add tomatoes with juice. Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low.

5. Place tilapia on top of kale mixture and cover to cook for about 1 minute. Gently turn tilapia over and cook for additional 2-3 minutes (or until cooked through and flakes easily with a fork)

6.  Remove from heat and ENJOY!
We always make a side of quinoa to compliment this amazing dish, and usually end up using diced tomatoes with green chiles to add a little kick (and maaaaybe some cholula)

And yes, even my *almost* 2 year old loves it.  This makes me super happy, because I'm always worried about her getting enough healthy fats.

That does it for today's post, until next time!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #5: Accountability & Progress

Well, hello, hello!  Today I want to talk more about FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #5: Accountability & Progress.

If you have decided to set some health and fitness goals for yourself, the first thing you want to do is share them with your support system!  If you keep it to yourself, you are more likely to give up and change your mind.  *confession* When I decided I wanted to make a goal of doing ONE pull-up...I didn't even tell my hubby for at least a week!  I kept thinking to myself "Is this really possible?  What if I can't do a pull-up and then I will feel embarrassed."  Don't let your thoughts get the best of you, it's about trying your best.  Even if you don't achieve it today, you will become stronger and learn new skills along the way.

Last fall, I remember looking in the mirror one day and feeling depressed and exhausted from being unhealthy(no exercise and 20/80 rule!), I turned to my hubby and I pleaded with him, "Please, please help me stay on track! Even if I get mad at you in the moment, remind me this is what I want.  This is what I need to feel better about myself."   When I wanted to skip a workout or eat something unhealthy because I was having a "bad day", I turned to him for that reminder. Support systems are amazing!

The next thing you want to do is get a fitness/food journal!  This can be a small notebook (I like writing things down) or you can download a free app like My Fitness Pal.  Or both!  This is a great way to track progress and to hold you accountable with your goals.  I mainly use it as a food journal, so I can see what I am actually eating.  What a wake up call! I did a lot of "Oh, one extra oreo won't hurt" and "What's another handful of chips gonna do?" or how about "I deserve this bowl of ice cream since I worked out today!"  Boy oh BOY, do all these little things add up in the long run. 
You can also use this to track your workouts.  It's nice to be able to look at last week and aim to do at least 1 more rep, go up in weight, or add more time to cardio (or plank challenge!)

I also used my journal to write down my goals for the week and put down my "stats"  Which included my weight and measurements (waist, hips, chest, biceps, and thighs).  When I first started out, I only allowed myself 1 weigh-in per week (the same day I took progress pics).  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT obsess about the scale.  It is not what defines your success in this journey.  You will most likely lose inches before pounds.  The scale tends to be a distraction for us ladies, don't let it define the way you feel about yourself.  The weight loss will come in due time.

 Most importantly (in my own opinon): take pictures!  This has been my main tool of measuring my progress, because the scale does not tell you that you have lost inches or built muscle.  You won't even see the difference some days, because you see yourself every day!  Ask your hubby, a close friend, or family member to take these for you.  Make sure you do a variety of poses (front, side, & back.  regular posture and flexing).  You will be happy you took these pictures to compare along the way. It's also a great motivator to help you stick with it, or to work harder.

Make sure you pick a room with good lighting, a blank wall, and try to wear a similar outfit each time. There is no scale in the world that can compare with seeing a side by side of all the smaller changes. I remember when I first took a "before" picture after I gave birth.  I wanted to delete them right away. I had tears welled up and I started to feel defeated before I even began. *cue support system*

After seeing fit moms like Natalie Hodson take these same photos and being real about it, I was inspired to keep the pictures and to use it as motivation to start feeling good about myself.  A year and a half later, I can still look back and reflect on where it all began.  I am "that" girl that loves pizza, cheeseburgers, ice cream, chocolate, twiced baked potatoes with all the fixin's, home cooked enchiladas with rice & beans.  I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and wish for the self confidence to wear a tank top or shorts (or a bathing suit).  It wasn't easy facing the music and making the decision to leave my excuses behind and get the wheels turning forward, but I did it. One day at a time.
Celebrate the small victories, because before you know it, they will add up to a BIG change.  Share with your support system what your aspirations and goals are, and ask them to hold you accountable. 

A lot of these tips tie in together, especially when it comes to accountability.  Use your support system to help you stay on track.  Find a workout buddy and put it on the calendar; you will think twice about skipping a workout, I promise you! Take the time to write in a food journal, so you can be honest with yourself and maybe even notice a bad habit that you can replace with a healthier one.

I hope this post helps you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.  Remember, it doesn't get easier; YOU just get stronger.

Next blog post will be a recipe, pinky promise.  I have been adapting to "Terrible Two's" and sporadic nap times with my little one, so working on my blog has been a crap shoot.  C'est la vie right?

Until next time!


Monday, July 28, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle Tip #4: Prep & Plan

Hello my fit friends,  I am excited to dive into one of the most important FITspiration Lifestyle tips on today's post!  I am certain that this will ensure that you're giving it your best shot with starting (and keeping) a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Let's face it, we are a busy society.  Whether you are a busy SAHM or a working mom, there is always a never-ending "To-Do" List on top of your every day challenges.  Is it "easier" to go to a drive thru?  My answer is no!  It's not easy dealing with the sluggish feeling you have from eating overly processed food.  It's not easy struggling to wake up early, because of lack of energy due to eating junk.  It's not easy carrying around unnecessary extra weight.  Planning ahead with meal prep will be the key to making sure you are nourishing your body with an abundance of healthy meals.

I have found that setting aside a few hours on a Sunday to prep meals and snacks for the following week, makes my life feel a lot less hectic. I wake up knowing I have a jar of Blueberry Banana Overnight Oats awaiting me. 

I always have some sort of bar in my purse for an emergency snack, like my current fave Peanut Butter & Jelly Quest Bars (which by the way can also be a healthy dessert option, especially if you nuke it for 20 seconds)

Our last few Sundays, we have prepped grilled chicken to be used for a variety of recipes we already use.  Most of the time, the meat is what takes the longest to cook. Plus, we just love grilled chicken!  We also prepare a pot of black beans, diced tomatoes, and quinoa/brown rice medley.  Sofie loves it!

Here are some other meals/snack ideas that can be prepped ahead of time:


4. Quinoa Fried "Rice"
5. Individual Salad portions

1. Mean Green Juice (one of our faves!)
3. Mixed Nuts
4. Protein Bars
5. Individual servings of Veggies or Fruit

You can do something as simple as making individual "grab-and-go" snacks.  I like to make our own Mixed Nuts and put them in tupperware.  Grab a handful to hold me over before dinner.  Get snack-sized ziploc bags and put carrots in there to be readily available as you run out the door.


The second part of this post can also be geared towards exercise.   There are certain "rituals" and habits that I find can prepare me to commit and succeed in my fitness goals.

I am "one of those" that prefer to workout in the morning, especially now that I have an active toddler that wakes up at 6am.  Allow me to re-phrase and state that I need to workout in the morning!  While I pump iron at the gym, Little Miss gets to have some social interaction with other kids/adults and let out some of that energy (she has a lot!)

Here is a list of what I personally do the night before:

1.Lay out workout clothes.
2. Pack my gym bag.
3. Pack Sofie's bag with her necessities.
4. Refill my purse with snacks (protein bar, banana, nuts)
5. Water bottle on my night stand.

This saves me a lot of time and stress!   It takes maybe 5-10 minutes versus 25 minutes the morning of, which includes a hungry toddler, hungry great dane, cup of coffee for my sanity, and squeezing in quality time with the hubby before he leaves for work.

If you plan to work out in the morning, go to bed an hour earlier so you can wake up and still feel rested.  If you want to work out on your lunch break, eat lunch at your desk while you wrap up emails.  If you want to workout after work, bring your gym bag and go straight to the gym.  Maybe even prep your dinner ahead of time so you can put it together more quickly.

When I finally decided to be more consistent with my routine, I started to make events in my calendar for my workouts.  Much like a lunch date or dentist appointment, it was something I committed to and needed to show up for.  Aaaaand maybe I am a little type A ;)
Most importantly, get your mind right! Preparing ahead of time will subconsciously get the wheels turning. As I lay my clothes out for the next morning, I am mentally preparing myself to wake up and start my day off on the right foot.  My hubby prefers to workout during lunch, or after work.  He gets his gym bag ready with everything he needs and brings it with him.

Being a busy mom can be overwhelming and stressful at times, and life happens.  Things happen that I may not be able to control, but at least I will feel as prepared as I can going into each day.  Like anything in life, being consistent will turn these "tips" into habits.  Going to the gym in the morning is now a habit and a part of my routine, much like making my daughter breakfast or going to the grocery store.  It's something I make time for in my daily life and I plan accordingly.

I hope this helps give you ideas on how you can plan or prepare yourself for staying committed to a healthier, happier life.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blueberry Banana Overnight Oats

Yum, yum, yum! You are going to love this quick and easy meal prep. If you have a sweet tooth like me, you will really love it.  Here is where I found the recipe (18 others!).  We bought our mason jars (1 pint) at Costco: only $6 for a pack of 12! Below is our recipe for 1 mason jar, so be sure to multiply the amount of days you'd like to prep for.

Blueberry Banana Overnight Oats
1/3 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup Almond milk
1/3 cup Greek Yogurt
1/3 cup blueberries
1 banana
1/3 cup KIND Peanut Butter Whole Grain Clusters (found at Target)
OR Something else crunchy (like nuts)

1. Mix first 5 ingredients together into mason jar (or other air tight container) and secure lid tightly.
2. Let set overnight (at minimum 3-4 hours)
3. Wake up the next morning, top off with clusters and ENJOY!

How easy is that?  Not only is it delicious, but it starts your morning off right with some protein and complex carbs (which you need for energy to workout!).

I'm really excited to try some of the other ideas, maybe something with peanut butter (my fave!)
Hope everyone has a positive and healthy Tuesday!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spinach Breakfast Casserole

Happy Saturday!  Next week I will be focusing on FITspiration Tip #4: Prep & Plan.  So if you want to jump on this train, Sundays are a great day to food prep for the week.  Do your mornings feel chaotic at times like mine do?  Once prepped, all you need it 20 seconds to warm this puppy. That's it.  Here is where I found my inspiration.

Spinach Breakfast Casserole
12 egg whites (we buy them in bulk at Costco) 
2 cups chopped onions (we like sweet onions)
4 cups finely chopped spinach 
1 teaspoon garlic salt
optional:1/4 cup diced jalapeno slices (from a jar, not fresh)
optional: 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1. Preheat oven to 375*.  Whisk eggs in large bowl.  Stir in other ingredients and mix together.  
2.  Pour into 9x13 pan, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.
3.  Bake at 375* for 25-30 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Keep refrigerated. Makes approx. 12 servings


With a new school year approaching, getting back into the swing of things can sometimes knock you on your booty.   This is a great option to have in your fridge when you are running out of time. It's easy for older kids to grab a slice and pop it in the micro for 20 seconds while you get your toddler ready for school drop-off.
 No more McDonald's drive through when you have a healthy, prepped meal just waiting for you in the fridge!

Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend so far!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creative Carrot Juice Recipe!

For all my juicing friends out there, you'll be proud that I stepped outside of my "bubble" and made a new juice.  I dubbed it the "Creative Carrot Juice"  because I had a bunch of carrots to use up and got creative with adding whatever fruits that I had lying around.  It was a success, yay!

Creative Carrot Juice
8 Carrots
1-2 cups Strawberries
2 large navel oranges
2 apples 
Optional: Ginger, small amount
Apples not pictured.

Yum! This was refreshing and sweet, and my daughter absolutely loved it.  I haven't been successful with offering steamed carrots to Sofie, so this definitely had me doing the "Happy Dance"! Hehe


I will be posting another recipe this week, I promise.  I decided to take the same approach to blogging as I do with my fitness and healthy eating.  Plan ahead and make time for it!  Sometimes life gets busy, and things happen.  My little one decided to push her only nap about 2-3 hours later and it has thrown me for a loop.  Wooosah. #noexcuse

It's all good though, not gonna sweat the small stuff in the grand scheme of things.  Similar to meeting a road block or obstacle in your fitness journey, being flexible and having the ability to adapt to unexpected changes will help you get back on course. 

Well that does it for today.  Happy Hump Day to all my Mon-Fri peeps.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

FITspiration Lifestyle #3: Start small

"Small changes can make a BIG difference."

After I successfully reached my weight loss goal of losing all 60 lbs from my pregnancy, I had many people ask me HOW?!

My first response is, "Clean eating & regular exercise." That's the short answer.  I usually follow up with my advice to "start small."  All the small changes I have made throughout the last 2 years have all added up to this BIG change for me. I did not start working out 5-6 days a week right off the bat.  I did not go from eating crap food to eating clean 100% of the time (I still don't. 80/20 rule baby!)

I started small.  I chose to replace the processed junk food I ate for my "snacks" with whole foods or my Mean Green Juice.  Did I still have pizza, cheeseburgers, and ice cream?  Yup!  I still do, to this day, in moderation. Of course, that's a whole other blog post. ;)

When I sat down to set my goals, I wrote down "Exercise 3 days a week" and "NO fast food!"  I am a firm believer of transitioning when making a major change in your life.  Even when I stopped nursing Sofie, the process began 3 months before she actually stopped.  I cut out one feeding at a time and weaned her pretty slowly.

Why do I believe this works?

Making small changes will keep you motivated!  You can celebrate small victories and boost your self confidence along the way.  I didn't do a great job of setting my goal of holding a plank.  I think in my mind it was for 1 minute.  When I could only do it for 30 seconds, being able to do it for only 5 more seconds was really exciting and motivating! Eventually, I was able to hold it for 2 minutes.  By only adding 5 seconds at a time.

Unfortunately, our society is accustomed to instant gratification.  We want it, and we want it now!  I want to lose weight, and I want it to happen NOW!  Starting small and celebrating the smaller victories can trick your mind into being too busy focusing on the short-term goal to worry about the looming long-term goal.  By the time you know it, you will have reached a bigger milestone. 

Slowly transitioning into this lifestyle will also help with the "cold turkey shock".  If you try to do too much, too fast; you will feel overwhelmed and most likely give up quickly.  I am sure there are some out there that can "dive in head first".  For the majority of us, too much at once ends up back-firing.
It took me almost a year to grasp this idea.  Sure, I lost weight from breastfeeding and lost some more by exercising and eating somewhat healthy(on and off, fell off the band wagon many times.)  It wasn't until last November that both Rob & I decided to truly make these small changes forever. 

When you sit down to create or re-evaluate a goal,  think "small".  What small change can you make today to help you reach the ultimate goal?


Here are a few examples of the small changes that have personally helped me:

-Focused on eating 5 smaller meals versus 3 big meals.

-Replaced soda with water, pressed juices, or iced tea.  Soda has absolutely zero health benefits, so it was one of the first things to go.  *side note* I do have soda on occasion, in moderation.  Vodka & Sprite anyone? ;)

- Replace processed foods with whole foods(fruits, veggies, legumes, etc)
*note* Similar processed foods that have "low fat" alternatives are still processed! Low-fat usually means more sugar. -READ the labels-

-I originally started working out 3 days a week, once I was consistent for 1 month, I went up to 4 days.  Do what works for you!

-Cut down and eventually cut out fast food!  I have only had fast food 5 times this whole year. This was also one of the very first things we did.

-Started a plank challenge! Add 5 seconds every week or so.

-Substitute white breads with whole grain bread, whole grain tortillas, and pita bread.

-Substitute mayo with mustard. And most recently, avocado spread.

-Replace instant brown rice with Quinoa.

-Add 1 30 second sprint during my cardio session.

-Ask for a side salad instead of fries.

-Cut down and cut out energy drinks.


As I mentioned above, these are just examples of what helped me.  Everyone is different, and works on their own personal goals at their own pace.  All that matters as the you do something daily, no matter how small, to get you closer to a healthier, and happier you! 

Hope you're having a fantastic week so far ♥ 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Quinoa Fried "Rice"

I will be posting two recipes this week, since I forgot last week.  Sorry! My time management wasn't the best as I prepared for our trip this past weekend.

I love incorporating our staple "grain" (it's actually a seed) Quinoa. Pronounced KEEN-WAH.
Now you can ask your supermarket attendant with confidence...'re welcome!
 Hehe, sorry. I can be a litte sassy at times.
We buy ours in bulk at Costco, yay!
One of my favorite "cheat" meals is good ol' Chinese takeout.  If you live in the East Valley, you need to go to J&K Chinese Gourmet on your next cheat night. ;)  We just took Sofie for the first time and all she kept saying was "Mmm!" & "Yum yum yum!"  & "Num num, nom nom" Hahaha, that girl.

Here is a healthy version that we make at home.  Top it off with your choice of protein (chicken, steak, shrimp, tofu, etc). Yum yum, delicioso!  Here is where I found the recipe.

Quinoa Fried "Rice"
1 cup quinoa (or 2½ to 3 cups leftover cooked quinoa)
1 ½ cups water or low-sodium chicken stock
 ¼ small onion, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
3 scallions, chopped and divided
3 garlic cloves, minced
½ teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 eggs, lightly scrambled (still raw)
½ cup frozen peas, thawed
Sauce:1 ½ tablespoons teriyaki sauce
2 ½ tablespoons soy sauce
¾ teaspoon sesame oil

1.  Rinse quinoa a few times in cold water.

2. Bring quinoa and water or chicken stock to a boil in a medium saucepan, and then reduce to a simmer. Season with salt.

3. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until quinoa is fluffy and cooked through. Remove from heat and let set for five minutes or so. Fluff with a fork.  Cool and store in the fridge for 30 minutes.
4.  Mix teriyaki, soy sauce, and sesame oil in a small bowl. Set aside.

5.  Heat ½ tablespoon olive oil in a large sauté pan over a high heat. Add onion and carrot, cook about two minutes. Add 2 scallions, garlic and ginger to the pan. Cook another two minutes. Add in the rest of the olive oil and the quinoa. Stir-fry about two minutes. 
6.  Add sauce and stir-fry until incorporated, about two minutes. Make a well in the center of the quinoa pour eggs in, scramble. Throw in peas, then toss everything together until the peas are warmed through, add remaining scallion and serve.  ENJOY!

This is an awesome recipe to make ahead of time and great for leftovers.  Unlike rice, quinoa keeps in the fridge very well for a few days.

 Yay for recipes!

Time to get back into the groove of clean eating after this weekend.  Holidays like the 4th of July will always have temptations for lots of fried food and yummy(sugary/caloric) drinks.  We attended our friend's wedding in Gallup, NM.  I will confess that I indulged in some cocktails, pizza, and other not-so-healthy foods.
Hubby & I in Gallup, NM
Ya gotta live a little right?  Don't dwell on the not-so-healthy choices you make, just start fresh and focus on the new day in front of you.  Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!